Experience comes with the years, they say. It is in a way a truth, but not our vision. In our way of living and filmmaking, we tend to look for new experiences every day. Every day counts. You can only make that new experience happen, by, going into the unknown.
So even with the sixteen years of experience in the audiovisual field, we always have been searching for the original and innovative ways of film making, the way we produce videos, look for original storytelling. By different ways of video distribution and campaigning, to bring our films to our audiences.
New ways of filmmaking we’re looking into new financing ways of our television series, not only having funds and broadcasters involved but focus on marketing directors of brands, that have a logical connection to the content that we create. In Going South we managed great symbioses of bringing across this sustainable message and have it supported by brands, companies and NGO’s like KLM and ICCO. That supported the content and had a new way of reaching their audiences.

Once we became news because we tried to connect to brands and sell ad time on a national broadcaster via ‘Marktplaats’. As this was given in return by the broadcaster, but had no value for us, unless someone was interested in this airtime. In the end to keep our relation good with the broadcaster, we had to remove the ad on Marktplaats.

We make our exploration in the way we produce our films, having an eco friendly and sustainable way in mind. Using innovative software enabling us to sharing concepts, storyboards and footage in an easy way with our clients. We have been awarded with the green entrepreneurship prize in 2009. By adopting the newest software’s and tools we improve our working methods. Due to this adaptation we are able to produce videos even in this Covid situation.
We dived into the unknown of virtual reality filmmaking in 2015; we made the first 360 videos on Mount Everest. This was a costly endeavour where we invested a lot of money in, expecting it to make a flightbut this flight didn’t take place. Still VR is very marginal and hasn’t had its break through. We are still paying back the risks that we have taken. But the VR trip brought us also on places that we otherwise would have missed. Like the time that me and my colleague Ziggi went on a trade mission to Italy, Rome and Milan. We met very interesting people. We also that the change to introduce our company and project to the King and Queen of the Netherlands who guided the trade mission. I will never forget the banquet in the palace in front of the Dom in Milan.

It comes with following your passion and wanting to create new experiences. Going into the unknown. It is not always an easy road, but for sure it fulfils you with true emotions of fear, and joy. And in the end that is what counts.