Customer engagement is key in marketing As a producer of fascinating films and VR experiences, I like to share a few tips and tricks on the evolution of video marketing. As isn’t…

Customer engagement is key in marketing As a producer of fascinating films and VR experiences, I like to share a few tips and tricks on the evolution of video marketing. As isn’t…
There are few things that possess such duality in our everyday lives as food: it is a necessity, it is a luxury, there is an overabundance of it, there is a lack…
It´s time for society to wake up. We should stop looking with suspicion at the one who has skin too black, or not enough white, the one who is too old or…
It´s always seems impossible until it´s done – Nelson Mandela Of course, no matter what you want to achieve, you will be confronted to many obstacles, you will doubt and be afraid…
Recent documentaries and movies dismantled the hidden face of finance and banking sector and showed how they truly are. The wolf of Wall Street, the big short, Inside Job unveiled some complex…
Now and then, there comes a time when the walls begin to close in. All the beautiful surroundings feel more like a barricade. Even with the most positive mood, it feels like…
If I look back and reflect on 2015, it has been a year filled with peaceful mountain peaks and beautiful views. Collecting memories and feelings of the sun on my face and…