Any modern publicity or ad campaign needs a made-to-measure video content marketing strategy in The Netherlands. With the deluge of media competing for people’s attention nowadays, your video content needs a coherent look and a bespoke marketing strategy to get noticed. DUTCH PICTURE INDUSTRY can help you achieve just that. Our company was established in 2004 by Milan Collin and Brechtje Smidt, to leverage their extensive experience in film and photography to expedite production on any visual project, from commercials to campaign video and more. With worldwide recognition and industry accolades, we are the party of choice in The Netherlands to help you set up your video content marketing strategy.
Discovery Channel worked with DUTCH PICTURE INDUSTRY for it’s first Dutch adventure commission: Mission Indian Ocean. A very challenging project because of the shear toughness and unpredictability of solo ocean rowing. DUTCH PICTURE INDUSTRY impressed us with their dedication, passion for outdoor adventure filming and their keen eye for telling an authentic story
The creative team only needs a few words! They understand the essence of the brand and the desired message that we wanted to communicate in only one short meeting and translated that within a few weeks into a six great commercials. Well done guys!
In 2010 we broadcasted the series Going South, cycling through the Americas. A sustainable roadmovie that the highly skilled producers of DUTCH PICTURE INDUSTRY developed. It was made with passion and the believe of bringing something positive to the world.
For 5 years we are working with DUTCH PICTURE INDUSTRY. In a creative collaboration we created the guidelines for our new audiovisual communication.
A video content marketing strategy in The Netherlands is essential in this day and age
DUTCH PICTURE INDUSTRY has grown with the times, into the era of social media and omnipresent video. We know that to get noticed, your video content needs both a striking visual identity and a well thought-out marketing strategy. Luckily for you, we are accomplished at providing both. Our mission is to provide any and all of our clients with reliable, cost-effective production and promotion solutions. If you bring us your idea, we will work with you to visualize and strengthen that idea into a coherent strategy. For this, we can pitch anything from customer testimonials to a mini documentary. Regardless of the final product, you can rest easy knowing you are in good hands.
Let us help you
We can guarantee that any of the video content we create for your campaign in The Netherlands will integrate fully into a coherent marketing strategy, aimed at creating the highest, most positive impact. We work with you to translate your creative vision into an effective and impressive film. Want to know more about our business? Contact us directly and discover how DUTCH PICTURE INDUSTRY can make the intangible visual.